Effective Team Management: The Box of Action

Do you set clear boundaries of deliverables for team members at the outset of a project?   I call this practice ‘setting the box of action’. Define the box, clarify uncertainties, and then let your team members get to work. As long as the box is large, with plenty of room for flexibility, creativity and ownership … Continued

How To Deal Constructively With Criticism

How do you deal with criticism?   When criticised, do you take offence?  Ignore?  Defend? Where most of us dread or avoid criticism, a better option is to choose to welcome it.  View it constructively, as if someone is offering you a gift –  a gift that you can choose to accept or decline. Think of … Continued

Separate Fact From Feeling

When debriefing post success or failure, are you separating your feelings from facts? One of the biggest mistakes we can make while reflecting upon past events is to justify our feelings with emotional reasoning. Just because you feel something, does not make it true. Or, just because something is true, doesn’t mean that your feelings … Continued

The Dangers of Toxic Goal Setting

As sports fans, we often celebrate athletes and admire them for their beauty, fame and wealth. But in my experience, I’ve come to know beauty, fame and wealth as toxic goals. These toxic three don’t drive the most successful sports figures. Rather, our heroes’ external success is more often the result of deep athlete-coach relationships and a … Continued

It’s Important to Remember that Learning Never Stops

Learning never stops. The best people have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Satya is an insatiable learner and he leads one of the best companies in the world. Be like Satya. – Send Adam Kreek a message on Twitter @adamkreek. You can also find more tips to improve your body, mind and soul on the … Continued

How Providence Can Change Your Life

Providence can change your life. Here is a quick lesson on how it works: Dream up a big goal Tell key supporters about your big goal Be humble and let go of outcome Act boldly The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.  All sorts of things will occur to help  one that … Continued