Physical Health For Mental Performance

Are you taking care of your body?

After winning his 5th Super Bowl, a reporter asked Tom Brady if he was now ready to wrap up his career at the ripe age of 39. Brady responded that he doesn’t feel 39; in fact, he feels better at 39 than he did at 25 when his body ached regularly. The football legend explained that he learned early on in his career how to take care of his body so that he feels great daily. He attributed careful maintenance of his body to his ability to stretch his career and enjoy it, day in and day out.

While Brady’s profession arguably relies more heavily on physical performance than most of our desk jobs, one’s physical state has enormous influence on our ability to perform at our peak – both physically and mentally.  When we feel sick or experience physical pain or discomfort, we’re unable to give our full attention or potential.

It’s exhausting to be distracted, consciously or subconsciously, by our body’s pain.  In some cases, the low comfort affects our sleep, which in turn slows our mental capacity during the day.  We’ve all experienced it, whether in brief bouts after suffering an injury or illness, or sadly for some, due to chronic medical conditions.

Remember, many discomforts are treatable or manageable through proper nutrition, exercise, physical therapy and adequate rest.

Regardless of where we start, taking excellent care of our physical health allows us to excel, focus and achieve our potential personally and professionally.  There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but we all know what elements of our lifestyle help or hinder our physical health; choose to support your health and well-being and reap the benefits.

How are you caring for your body this week?

Kreek is a Management Consultant, Executive Coach and Keynote Speaker who lives in the Pacific Northwest. 

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